Electro Psycho Transmutation Cop

Electro Psycho Transmutation Cop

Electro Psycho Transmutation Cop STORY Electro Psycho Transmutation Cop Official animated music video for the song, Electro Psycho Transmutation Cop. Follow officers Albert Merpy and Anna Zellis as they confront cannibal mutoids in a dystopic industrial metropolis. Find the song on YouTube Music, Spotify, Bandcamp, Apple music and many other platforms. Check out Scott Yuken's...

To Serve Robot

To Serve Robot STORY Tales From The Outer Zone with I Am Robot You Are Not As fans of The Twilight Zone we naturally had to parody the show and what better episode than "To Serve Man". It was also a good excuse to test out our I Am Robot You Are Not characters in...


Depressurization STORY The Killer Robots belt out Depressurization on their Cosmic Concert Tour. Animated music video featuring the Killer Robots and various aliens. With this music video, we were able to experiment with computer generated imagery and cel-shading to create an anime look.  Also mixed in some live action for the crowd and some cut-out...

The Ani-Bots: Cartoon Roundup

The Ani-Bots: Cartoon Roundup STORY The Killer Robots take the form of Ani-Bots! A collection of short vignettes featuring animated drawings of the Killer Robots. This was an early animated experiment we made. Cut-out drawings were animated with a lo-tech approach in the vein of Monty Python animation. CAST/CREW STORY, ANIMATION AND VOICES Sam Gaffin...

I Am Robot You Are Not: Second Verse

I Am Robot You Are Not: Second Verse STORY The first episode was so much fun we had to go back for seconds. The Killer Robots make some new friends in "I Am Robot You Are Not!" Episode 2 "Second Verse. This episode continues to employ a 2D animated style using cel shaded computer imagery....

I Am Robot You Are Not: Initium

I Am Robot You Are Not: Initium STORY Every rock band needs a cartoon and the Killer Robots are no exception. Here we introduce the members of the band as they travel across another universe in search of meaning and purpose. The show employs a 2D animated style using cel shaded computer imagery to accomplish...